ヴィットリア ホテル ジェノバ is located right in 市内中心部 and is 数分 ウォーキング from the Aquarium, 歴史地区, コングレッス センター Magazzini del Cotone, and the Porto Antico Area.
このホテルは 41 快適な部屋 that are thoughtfully designed with all the essential amenities to ensure you a pleasurable stay. 幾つかの客室 offer beautiful sea view and the ancient port view.
Guests can start off an exciting day with a delicious コンチネンタル breakfast served at 朝食ルーム.
ホテル滞在の間、guests can visit the new Museum of Ethnography and Pre-Columbian Civilization that are このホテルの場所は proximity to ホテル. You can also visit the nearby park where あなたは楽しめます a wonderful view over 市街中心部 and the historic centre.