ホテルは location provides easy access to various amenities of modern life and yet manages to retain that comfort and privacy which is so crucial during バケーション.
ラリウス ホテル コモ offers elegant and 居心地の良い部屋 with all the facilities to ensure that your stay is a memorable one.
レストラン XV Secolo M.M.D.C offers a fine range of refined cuisines to delight you, including some delicious and mouth-watering recipes of Mastro Martino, the famous 15世紀 chef. The well stocked バー offers a wide range of ドリンク, cocktails and other beverages to help you to relax and unwind.
ラリウス ホテル コモ also provides a gym, サウナ and トルコ風呂 to pamper and rejuvenate your body. You can also check out the local attractions in the town of コモ to ensure that your イタリアン dreams gets realised.