このホテルの場所は、in an exclusive and quiet ネイバーフッド of サンレモ, peral of the イタリアン Riviera. Set close to Monte-Carlo and the French Riviera, you can have a good time at the casino, stroll around the medieval town centre and shop in some of the most exclusive stores and eat the most genuine foods of the Mediterranean diet.
Whether you choose one of 44 standard rooms or one of 36 junior スイーツ, with all comforts, あなたは楽しめます both the magnificent view over the Mediterranean and over the tropical ガーデン.
ホテル内の L'Asmara is an exclusive レストラン where you can find the most refined type of イタリア料理 next to typical Ligurian dishes. The Dalak Snack バーは next to スイミングプール and is open during summertime only, offering a selection of ready-to-eat dishes together with ドリンク.
The Nyala スイート ホテルの客室は two meeting-rooms、最大収容人員 150名, and are well-equipped to assure successful outcome of your meeting. The splendid seasonal スイミングプール 周辺は a tropical park and a children's playground makes this place an ideal one to relax. また宿泊客は enjoy the wide variety of sporting and leisure activities, available in the area.