ホテルの場所は、in 中心部 トスカーナ and Chanti, このホテルは、within easy reach from the towns of フィレンツェ, シエナ and Volterra.
このホテルは 48 luminous accommodation units that are thoughtfully crafted with all the standard amenities to ensure you utmost comfort throughout your stay.
Guests can start off an exciting day with a delicious buffet breakfast served at ホテル room as well as dine at ホテル内のレストラン that serves an enormous variety of enticing Tuscan delights. You can also enjoy extensive ドリンク at 居心地の良いバー.
このホテルは、設備の揃った会議スペース、最大収容人員 50 delegates for hosting your various business discussions and seminars. 疲れた一日の終わりに、you can have a refreshing dip at 美しい スイミングプール or just sit back at ロビー and relax.