ヴィラッジョ ツーリスティコ ラ フランセスカ ボナッソーラ is ホテルの場所は a protected area close to the National Park of チンクエ・テッレ. ホテルの場所は、in a bay facing the sea of チンクエ・テッレ between Punta del Carlino and Punta Gone.
客室は、安らぎと便利さを重視した設計になっています。the cottages are elegantly appointed and equipped with all the up to date amenities that any traveller would expect from a ホテル of this category.
レストラン Rosadimare is the romantic and ideal setting for a wedding party serving splendid buffets and delicious menu of イタリアン and international specialties including a large choice of vintage wines. The pleasant ambience of バー makes it a perfect place to unwind with a refreshing drink.
ホテルでは a banquet hall、最大収容人員 120名 for various meetings and events. ホテル滞在の間、you can workout in 設備の整った ジム, スイミングプールで気持ちよいひと時を過ごせ or indulge in a range of open-air sports such as tennis, bowling, volley-ball and many more.