アテネ ホテルは、便利な場所 in 歴史地区 シエナ, approximately 500 メートル from ドゥオーモ and カンポ広場, in 静かな場所 with a wonderful surroundings. Close to the city gate, ポルタ S. Marco, またホテルは easily accessible from Monteriggioni, Montalcino and ピエンザ.
全ての部屋 at アテネ ホテル are spacious with plenty of light, decorated in either classic or modern style and are well equipped with modern facilities.
Taste delectable local and international delicacies at the large and elegant in-house レストラン that can comfortably accommodate up to 80名.
Along with an excellent ビジネス センター, またホテルには a large room specially equipped for meetings and コンベンション, 最大収容人員 80名. From numerous outdoor activities, you can choose to make a trip to interesting nearby locations such as visit wine cellars or go for a guided tour of Montalcino.