Placed in one of the most picturesque corners of コモ湖, ポスタ モルトラシオ ホテルは、50 メートル from a public ビーチ at Piazza South Rocco. The convenient location of このホテルmakes it ideal for tourists, cyclists, hikers, family and shoppers.
ホテルでは wonderfully furnished ゲストルーム that are completely equipped with basic amenities required for a comfortable stay.
Offering gourmet menus inspired by 地中海料理, the in-house La Veranda レストランは 理想的な場所 to enjoy an excellent cuisine in a pleasant and elegant dining-room.
このホテルは、excellent setting for a perfect banquet or a カクテル party. The many attractions placed within easy reach from ホテルでは you a wonderful opportunity to explore them at your leisure.