ホテルの立地は north of ミラノ, on the famous Viale Europa of コローニョ・モンツェーゼ, スタジオ ホテルは、in 中心部 the most important イタリアン telecommunications district and is nearby to prestigious Television Studios and Radio Stations.
50 standard rooms offer a modern and unique atmosphere, every room is devoted to a star of the film and within the same biography of the artist. The 4 スイーツ offer spaces designed for a better living and the well being of the guests.
ホテル内のレストランでは guest with excellent tasty dishes for their dining pleasure. Relax and enjoy ドリンク in he cosy ambience of the bar.
スタジオ ホテル have a convention centre, consisting of rooms of various sizes suitable to host ミーティング, カンファレンス, conventions and events as required. The rooms can accommodate up to 130名 and is equipped with cutting-edge technologies and skilled personnel.