レジデンス La Ferriera ホテルは、便利な場所 on banks of the small river in the delightful little Tuscan town of ローロ・チュッフェンナ. この美しい ホテルは、an ideal departure for the principal towns of Tuscany.
19 pristine 客室 stay true to the charm of レジデンス La Ferriera ホテル with an infusion of modern sensibility and design. 客室は facilitated with modern comforts, adorned with Tuscan style furnishings to ensure you a relaxing stay.
楽しかった一日の後には、make your way to the typical Tuscan レストラン where you can spend marvelous evenings by candlelight, inebriated by the fragrance of excellent wines and the inspirational authentic cuisine.
For your recreational purpose, このホテルは a refreshing スイミングプール as well as a テニスコート for you to enjoy.