ホテルの場所は、in the most peaceful and evocative area of Perla Verde, 数分 from Viale Ceccarini, ホテル enjoys a unique position with direct access to ビーチ.
The Alexandra プラザ ホテルは bright and 広々した部屋 that are elegantly furnished and tastefully designed to provide the sophisticated and discrete comfort to the guests.
豪華な朝食 awaits you to start the day with the taste and energy of the local produce. ホテル内のレストランでは the very best of regional and international cuisine, especially highlighting the delightful tastes of the sea in a welcoming and refined environment.
ホテル滞在の間、guests can workout in the 新しい設備のジム, take a relaxing swim in プール, soak up the sun at サンルーム or laze around 美しい ガーデン.