オリンピック アート ホテル トリノ is located わずか 10 分(車で) from the old town centre and is within easy reach of all the main roads leading to 市街中心部 and 空港. In the immediate vicinity of ホテル, there are two large shopping centres and a multi-screen cinema. またホテルは close to the Environment Museum and the Environment Park.
ホテルは 147 modern and functional ゲストルーム that are distributed over 8 floors, equipped with a host of modern amenities.
ホテル内のレストランは a rich and exclusive breakfast buffet, while for ランチとディナー there are tourist menu and business lunches on offer. さらに it also serves a special menu of typically regional and national dishes.
ホテルのほかの設備としては、ファックス, tour desk, ランドリー・サービス and 貴重品預かり amongst others. Favourable parking facilities are also available on ホテルの premises.