ホテルは a typical ローマン パラッツォ ホテルの場所は the 歴史地区 of ローマ and is close to ナヴォーナ広場, カンポ de' Fiori, ビラ Giulia, Monteverde, トラステヴェレ, コロッセオ and Testaccio.
The interior decor of all the accommodation units are very pleasing and inviting. The units also come fully furnished and feature modern amenities for your convenience.
ホテルでは a sumptuously prepared breakfast that will help you start a lovely day.
The fabulous location of レジデンツァ マクシマ allows guests to easily explore all the prominent areas within ローマ. Some nearby beautiful and famous historical places include トラステヴェレ, ナヴォーナ広場, カンポ de Fiori, スペイン広場, ベネツィア広場, Musei バチカンi and パンテオン.