カステッロ Del Poggiarello ディ Stigliano ホテルの場所は、in Stigliano, which is located 15 キロメートル from シエナ. One can sense the long history all around in this peaceful hamlet. There is good shopping in Rosia, and フィレンツェ is easily reached in an hour by motorway link road from シエナ.
ホテルでは 設備が整った部屋 that are well-furnished to meet all your needs. Some of the units also feature kitchen that will help you prepare your own meals.
There is a good レストラン 歩いて直ぐ from the houses in ビレッジ square of Stigliano.
The ancient tower and buildings form a sort of square on the top of a hill, with panoramic views across a fertile plain to シエナ and the Chianti hills. Guests may walk or ride マウンテンバイクs to further explore this quiet oasis of peace and natural beauty, and even arrange to go up in a balloon.